why canada


Citizenship and Immigration Canada has recently introduced new policies to encourage immigrants to settle in Canada. Immigrants are welcomed from all parts of the Globe irrespective of colour, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender, religion or beliefs. Canada promotes ‘multiculturalism’ which encourages preserving the culture, beliefs and values of each ethnic group, while enjoying Canadian values. Multiculturalism ensures that all individuals receive equal treatment and equal protection under the law in Canada. Everyone dreams of an affluent life for themselves and their next generation. Canada, being the second-largest country, is geographically endowed with rich natural resources and beauty, and enjoys political stability and economic well being. It has one of the strongest economic standings of the G-8 countries. Canada is the best country in the world and still stands unparalleled.

Today, Canada faces low birth rates and inter-provincial migration patterns which combine to impact on its capacity to grow and develop. Immigration is essential in order to deal with this serious issue. Canada brings skilled people from overseas who have transferable skills to contribute to the Canadian labour market. Canada attracts business people who have venture capital, business acumen and entrepreneurial skills. It is however, not merely about numbers; it's about people, who foster international trade, commercial and cultural ties, and who fuel an economy driven by innovation, ideas, skills and talents. Immigration is a visible expression of the values that underpin the collective identity of Canadians and the building of strong and energetic communities based on cultural diversity and mutual respect.